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Allied health business calculators and tools

Online calculators for Contractors, Sole Traders, Companies and Trusts running a Psychology, Occupational therapy, Speech Pathology, Physio, Ex Physio, Dietitian, Counselling, Social work, Music Therapy or multi discipline Allied health business both large and small

Allied health employee costing and Profit margin calculator

Our first ever FMap calculator from Wes @ Allied Health Accounting Solutions which will guide you through the process of calculating your new employees:


  • Billing weeks availability

  • Yearly total employment and wages costs 

  • Full-time equivalent wages for comparison

  • Yearly potential sales capacity 

  • Potential profit margin per year they could bring to your business

  • Real world scenarios (what if they have lower than expected KPIs)

and generate a summary PDF report for printing and further analysis

Payment options

  • Yearly Access - 1 payment $695 

  • Yearly Access - 12 monthly payments $82.50

  • 2 Month Access - $330

All 3 options include ​a review by us of your first employee profit margin calculation. Review includes a custom video from Wes analyzing your report and a phone chat for feedback and clarification. 

To purchase and access click on the Access Now, or the Login/Signup button to create your login, choose a payment option and enter your payment details.

watch a video overview of the calculator in action

including ongoing upgrades and improvements

watch a video overview of the calculator in action

I want to be a Contractor Feasibility analysis calculator 

An Independent Contractor feasibility analysis FMap calculator with mini training videos for both new and existing Allied health Contractors which will guide you through the process of calculating:

  • Your working weeks per year (available billing weeks & leave per year)

  • Your potential yearly contractor business income 

  • Your estimated yearly potential contractor business expense's

  • Your estimated yearly potential profit before tax and before study debt

  • Your estimated draft yearly profit and loss for your contractor business based on actual real world example data from other contractor businesses of a similar size

​and generate a summary PDF report for printing and further analysis

Payment options

  • 3 month Access - 1 payment $365 

Includes ​a review by us of your first contractor profit margin calculation. Review includes a custom video from Wes analyzing your report and a phone chat for feedback and clarification. 

To purchase and access click on the Access Now, or the Login/Signup button to create your login, and enter your payment details.

Solo Allied health business calculator

Simple version - it's me working in the business  with up to 2 contractors and up to 4 employees and up to 2 service fee clinicians that see clients for billable appointments

A small to medium allied health business feasibility analysis FMap calculator with mini training videos for both new and existing Allied health Sole Traders which will guide you through the process of calculating:


  • Your working weeks per year (available billing weeks & leave per year)

  • Your potential  business income based on your own appt types 

  • Profit margin potential on your employees, contractors and clinicians

  • Your estimated yearly potential business expenses

  • Your estimated yearly potential profit before tax and before study debt

  • An estimated draft yearly profit and loss for your business based on actual real world example data from other allied health businesses 

​and generate a summary PDF report for printing and further analysis

If you have a large business with more contractors, employees and clinicians than the above calculators capacity please email us at to be on the waitlist for our Beta large business model calculator coming soon.

$365.00  with 3 months access

watch a video overview of the calculator in action

watch a video overview of the calculator in action

Medium Allied health business calculator

Simple version - it's me working in the business  with up to 2 contractors and up to 4 employees and up to 2 service fee clinicians that see clients for billable appointments

A small to medium allied health business feasibility analysis FMap calculator with mini training videos for both new and existing Allied health Sole Traders which will guide you through the process of calculating:


  • Your working weeks per year (available billing weeks & leave per year)

  • Your potential  business income based on your own appt types 

  • Profit margin potential on your employees, contractors and clinicians

  • Your estimated yearly potential business expenses

  • Your estimated yearly potential profit before tax and before study debt

  • An estimated draft yearly profit and loss for your business based on actual real world example data from other allied health businesses 

​and generate a summary PDF report for printing and further analysis

If you have a large business with more contractors, employees and clinicians than the above calculators capacity please email us at to be on the waitlist for our Beta large business model calculator coming soon.


Large Allied health business calculator

Our beta version of a large FMap model for larger practices with options for multiple employee types, contactors and service fee agreement clinicians is currently under development. This calculator:

  • Calculates the potential gross profit capacity of an allied health business

  • Calculates the sales capacity of each staff/provider type 

  • Calculates the employee wages, and contractor costs for each staff type

  • Calculates the business owners sales capacity and contribution to gross profit

  • Calculates the potential profit margin on each staff type

​and generate a summary PDF report for printing and further analysis

This calculator is currently in Beta mode and undergoing development. For enquiries or beta access contact  Wes 

If you're facing financial uncertainty, questioning your financial management, starting a new Allied health contractor, sole trader or company business, or have a stable successful practise but need better quality financial information on understanding the potential profit capacity of your business based on real industry data, our online FMap (Financial Modeling for Allied Health and Psychology practices) calculator tools can help you be your own business coach and answer some of the core financial questions every allied health business owners needs to know including:​

New employees 

What gross profit am I making on my employees and contractors and what is the cost of a new employee?

Financial health

What are the industry healthy ratios and budget guidelines for my business expenses vs other  practices  

Gross Profit potential

What is my yearly potential gross profit as a sole trader or larger company/trust based on staffing costs and sales capacity

I am a Contractor

What's the potential profit I could make as a contractor and what is a budget guideline for my business expenses?

Staff changes and KPIs

What’s the potential financial impact if I add or subtract  employees/contractors or change my own appt kpis?

Profit margin per staff

I have multiple staff types - what potential profit margin does each unique staff type contribute to my business

Your allied health business data is knowable, trackable , quantifiable and being your own business advisor or coach can be affordable ... 

  • KNOWABLE - click to read more
    Our FMap calculators can help understand the financial aspects of your business and give you the tools to analyse your profit margins and staffing costs without contracting that role out to a costly business financial coach or advisor
  • TRACKABLE - click to read more
    These calculators will help you project the data you need to track the potential profit margins and costs on new and existing staff and to give you the inside knowledge you need to make key financial decisions
  • QUANTIFIABLE - click to read more
    Using one of our FMap calculators can help provide you with clarity and will allow you to produce reports and ongoing models that clarify and quantify your businesses financial capacity without having to rely on someone else to model this for you.
  • AFFORDABLE - click to read more
    Don't let a high business advisory firm trap you into paying between $10k - $30k a year ongoing for the privilege of simply hooking up your XERO data to a reporting app like Fathom or Spotlight for flashy reports, and making you run complex systems with 6 - 8 bank accounts that don't even let you know the unique profit margins on your staff types or the specialist industry insights you need. You can be your own business coach for a tenth of this cost and put the rest of those funds into building your business or paying for a holiday, or paying for a practise management coach to help you understand and reshape your business and how you work with clients and care for yourself.
Contact Wesley Toogood

Telephone: 0429 667 375


Wes and the team are qualified and experienced Professionals – Registered ATO / TPB BAS Agents and XERO Professional Partners with extensive Accounting and Bookkeeping experience in the Allied Health, Social Services and NGO sector.

Allied Health Accounting is a Xero Certified Advisor
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