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This Toogood Blog
Too good to be true. Updates and information for psychology and allied health practices.

Nov 7, 20247 min read
How to financially destroy your Allied health Business in 5 easy steps
Lets self destruct The financial destruction or a "failure to fly upwards" of your Allied Health business is easier than you think. My...

Jun 23, 20221 min read
I earn $150k, why am I still broke with no cash in the bank?
Money magazine back in march 2019 wrote an excellent article with the above title. Its content is particularly relevant to Psychologists...

Mar 18, 20221 min read
How to earn at least $100,000 profit/take home income in private practise
Here's a link to an excellent short article with actual examples of how to earn at least $100,000 from your private practise. From my...

Dec 21, 20211 min read
5 simple bookkeeping tips for your Allied health practice
Here's a short article from on how to stay on track with your Bookkeeping and financial accounting processes during...

Apr 6, 20211 min read
The how and why of measuring your client retention rate in private practise
A blog post from Here is another link to a blog post from "As a private practice owner, you...

Apr 6, 20211 min read
Creating measurable goals for your Allied Health Practise
Blog post from The PractiseLab website has some interesting blog posts on running an Allied Health practise and some...

Dec 13, 20201 min read
An overview of Business structures for new businesses (Sole Trader, Partnership, Company etc)
Here's an article from with an excellent brief overview of the common business structures to choose from when...

Dec 13, 20201 min read
Tax registrations for healthcare professionals
Here's an excellent overview on the Tax and business registrations that might be needed by an Allied Health professional moving into...

Dec 12, 20201 min read
Eight Tips for Trimming Your Practice Expenses
A useful article on some tips for trimming your practice expenses and is relevant to an Australian based practice just as much as a U.S....

Dec 12, 20201 min read
Tips on evaluating how and if to start a new practice and what opportunities exist for this
A useful article on evaluating and assessing new practice start up opportunities. The article covers some of the core information used...

Dec 12, 20201 min read
Avoiding administrative overload
This link has an article with some helpful reflections on the options you can take to support yourself and your business when the...

Dec 12, 20201 min read
Transitioning from Trainee to practitioner including Private Practice
An excellent article from on reflections and considerations on transitioning from a trainee into...

Dec 12, 20201 min read
Practice start up checklist...
This link has an article with a broad checklist to follow for the common main "to do" tasks to when you are starting up your own private...

Dec 12, 20201 min read
Starting up a Private Practice - things to consider
An article from My Health Career giving an overview of some of the key things to consider if you will be a good fit for private practice...

Dec 12, 20201 min read
What Business structure should I choose for private practice?
Here's an interesting article covering the different business structures / models applied to the private practice setting and information...
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