Team DSC have posted an update article summarising some of the upcoming changes to the NDIS legislation and how those changes impact the way the NDIS operates. The summary includes changes regarding:
Notification of impairment
What plans will look like
Change of Situation
New claims and payment framework
From their article introduction:
"The new NDIS law has just passed parliament, and it will change the way the NDIS operates. To save you from reading something as complex and large as War and Peace, we cover the main changes that will come into effect soon. But, keep in mind, there’s a lot of unknown details about how the NDIA will implement the law"
To access the article please follow this link NDIS Bill: the changes coming soon - Team DSC
For further information regarding the changes please visit and their detailed update page which is posted here Changes to NDIS legislation | NDIS
For detailed questions and answers directly from the Australian Government Department of Social Services please see there page "The NDIS Amendment Bill - questions and answers" which is posted here:
Are you a Psychology Business owner and wondering why so many Psychology and allied health businesses are financially struggling at the moment or in a period of no growth or financial stress? See our recent blog post here:
for an update on the state of the industry and some information on our upcoming free blog video series with tips of what not to do, using real world examples from real Allied health businesses.